Dear Parents,
STEM week special
This week has been British Science week. The national theme for the week was ‘Journeys’. Our theme this year was using electricity in constructions.
On Monday afternoon, Chris Fouie (one of the founders of the Empiribox Science scheme used in KS2 and supported by the PTA) led 2 sessions on the theme of the ‘journey’ of electricity. He explained to class R and KS1 how we get electricity and for KS2 he looked at how electricity gets to our homes and different ways of generating electricity.
Back in our classes, we then set to work designing and making our different things using electrical circuits. There were 3 different projects which all involved making bulbs light up!
Year 1 and 2 have made circuits using fruit, vegetables and other everyday materials. Year 3 and 4 designed and created a variety of 2D and 3D constructions incorporating electrical circuitry. It is incredible to see the different ideas surrounding a light bulb.
Years 5 and 6 have made some great quiz boards. The bulb will only light up if the question and the correct answer are aligned, completing the circuit.
Hopefully you will be able to see some of the things they have made as they will be bringing them home at some point. It was lovely to see even the younger children being able to explain the journey of electrons to make the bulb light up. It has been a great week.
Class R have been playing hopscotch, snakes and ladders and other mathematical games. They discovered that lots of stories have maths in them too.
Further up the school, there has been some competitive maths going on with lots of children building their scores in Mathletics. They were challenging not just each other but children in other countries as far away as Saudi Arabia and Japan!
Similarly to ‘Barvember’, lots of the children have also been looking at the White Rose Maths problem of the day. I think a lot of the teachers were getting very excited to see how the children have been applying their learning across their maths lessons to tackle these.
There are photos and more updates on the website.
Have a great weekend.
Kind regards,
Julie Burton