Branded uniform can be ordered by visiting https://www.pbuniform-online.co.uk/bidborough
School Uniform Policy
It is our policy that all children should be encouraged to wear school uniform when attending school, or when participating in a school organised event outside normal school hours. We provide a list of the items suggested for school uniform on our school website and they are listed below for ease of reference.
The DfE (Department for Education) ‘strongly encourages schools to have a uniform’ as they believe ‘it can play a valuable role in contributing to the ethos of a school and set an appropriate tone.’
Our policy is based on the notion that a school uniform:
- promotes a sense of pride in the school;
- engenders a feeling of community and belonging
- builds a sense of identity;
- is practical and smart;
- identifies the children with the school;
- is not distracting in class (as fashion clothes might be);
- makes children feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance;
- is regarded as suitable, of good quality and of good value for money, by most parents;
- supports positive behaviour;
- has been designed with health and safety in mind.
Uniform list
The school colour is green. The following items comprise our school uniform. The only items which are branded are the school jumper/cardigans and PE T-shirt, available from the school office. All other items can be purchased from any other shop or supermarket. No item of uniform is gender specific. The school regularly holds second-hand uniform sales, run by the PTA.
Sweatshirts or cardigans: Dark green with school badge
School tie
Shirts: White - short sleeved or long sleeves
Skirt or Pinafore dress: Green (not black - skirts should be pleated)
Shorts or trousers: Grey, uniform style
Tights: Grey or green
Socks: White/grey knee or ankle (not sports style)
Green check pattern summer dresses can be worn in from Easter to October half term.
Children need a Waterproof Mac (for example Pac-A-Mac) or coat all year round.
Children also need a yellow cap (available from the school office). These must be worn on school trips and are useful in sunny weather.
PE Kit (Early Years and Key Stage 1) – available from the school office if branded (t-shirt) or either the school office any other shop if *
Shorts/skorts - black*
T-shirt – With school logo
Plimsolls - black*
PE Kit (Key Stage 2) – available from the school office if branded (t-shirt) or either the school office any other shop if *
Shorts/skorts - black*
T-shirt - Gold – Bidborough logo (parents have the option to buy a plain green polo shirt).
Tracksuit top - Black – Bidborough logo* (optional)
Tracksuit bottoms – black* (optional)
Sports socks - black*
Trainers – outside
Plimsolls - black - indoor (optional)
Parents are requested to provide a drawstring PE / shoe bag to be hung on a coat peg.
Children should wear black school shoes to school. These should have a heel with a sensible height - no more than 3cm. Pumps/boots/trainers are not permitted. Sandals may be worn in the summer months; these should not be open-toed.
For PE, plimsolls (in KS1) and trainers are required. If your child takes part in football club, football boots are also required.
Jewellery and Accessories
In accordance with the Local Authority requirements on health and safety, we do not allow children to wear jewellery in our school.
The exceptions to this rule are small, simple studs in pierced ears, small objects of religious significance or wristwatches.
On days when children have Physical Education lessons and/or sporting activities, they should not wear jewellery to school. If children do attend school with jewellery, they will be asked to remove objects before Physical Education lessons or any other lessons where the wearing of such items constitutes a potential safety risk. Teachers and other members of staff do not take responsibility for the safe keeping of jewellery which has been removed. If your child’s ears have been newly pierced and earrings cannot be removed then we insist that they are covered with tape during PE lessons.
Hair and make up
The school does not permit children to have haircuts / hair colourings that could serve as a distraction to other children.
Mid to long length hair (shoulder length or longer) should be tied up at all times. Hair accessories should be minimal and can be green, black or white.
The wearing of make-up, including nail varnish, is not permitted. Likewise, the wearing of temporary tattoos is not acceptable.
The role of parents
We ask all parents who send their children to our school to support the ‘School Uniform Policy’. We believe that parents have a duty to send their children to school correctly dressed and to support the policies of the school. Parents should ensure that their child has the correct uniform and that it is clean and in good condition.
We ask that parents engage with recycling of school uniform through our partnership with the PTA by bringing in items of uniform that are still in good condition so that they be sold second hand to other parents.
We ask that all parents label their children’s uniform items or write their names in the labels to enable mislaid items to be returned to their owners.
It is our aim to work with families to overcome difficulties with non-compliance of this policy. At all times, we are willing to consider reasonable requests for flexibility to accommodate particular social and cultural circumstances. In this instance, parents should at first make representations to the Headteacher.
If a pupil is not wearing an item of uniform as identified in this policy a letter may be sent home as a reminder identifying which item is not suitable or the parent will be called. For repeated occurrences the parent may be called to a meeting with the headteacher.
The governing body
The Governing body supports the Headteacher in implementing the school uniform policy. It considers all representations from parents regarding this policy and liaises with the Headteacher to ensure that the policy is implemented fairly and with sensitivity.
It is the Governing body’s responsibility to ensure that the school uniform meets all national regulations concerning equal opportunities and that the school uniform policy is consistent with the school’s policy on equal opportunities.
Governing body members ensure that the school uniform policy helps children to dress sensibly in clothing that is hardwearing, safe and practical.