Wrap Around Care

We offer breakfast club 7.30am to 8.30am and after school care for children till 6.30pm Monday to Friday. 


The Wrap Around Care team

Wrap Around Care Supervisor - Mrs Markwell

WAC Deputy Supervisor - Mrs Sedgemore

WAC Administrator - Mrs Ingle

Breakfast club supervisor - Mrs Funnell

WAC Play workers: Mr Pain, Mrs Sharpe, Mrs Van Niekerk


Coming up this week


This coming week in WAC the children will be given the opportunity to design and create their own love bugs, flowers, or cards for Valentines Day.


In addition:-


We will be going on a treasure hunt around the school grounds with torches, looking for the Pirates lost golden coins.


Children can play the human one arm bandit game.


Jewellery making.


Children will have the opportunity to design and run their own Valentines restaurant.


Complete an obstacle course blindfolded with a buddy leading them.


Children can choose from a variety of Games including Chess, Battleships jigsaw puzzles, construction or Lego.




Musical hoops.


Outdoor play.


Things do change and at the moment a number of children are really enjoying the child led dance/sing off, with the year 6 children being the judges. We always encourage their ideas and interests.



General information

Bidborough Primary School is pleased to provide our children with the opportunity to attend Wrap Around Care (WAC) before and after school, Monday to Friday during school term time.

These clubs may be attended on a long-term or ad hoc basis. Sessions can be booked weekly in advance or as needed, subject to availability.

The Wrap Around Care is an extension of the school and will operate in line with the school’s values: love, courage, hope, forgiveness, and koinonia. It will operate under the school policies.

A typical afternoon at WAC will be filled with a variety of fun activities using both indoor and outdoor spaces. Activities will include group games, arts and crafts, sports, dressing up, and much more. On arrival children will be offered a fresh fruit snack option and a hot dinner will be served at 4:50 pm for all children booked onto the second session.

We look forward to providing a fun, nurturing Wrap Around Care environment!

Booking and fee structure

Bidborough WAC Breakfast:

  • Open term time only, running from 7:30 am to 8:30 am, Monday to Friday.
  • The fee for the session is £8 and includes a varied breakfast option, including fresh fruit, toast, and cereal.
  • Sessions must be booked in advance via Arbor.


Bidborough WAC After School:

  • Term time only, operating from 3:15 pm to 6:15 pm, Monday to Friday.
  • The three session options are: 3:15 pm - 4:15 pm, 4:15 pm - 5:15 pm, and 5:15 pm - 6:15 pm.
  • Every child attending the first session will be offered a fresh fruit snack.
  • Every child booked until 5:15 pm will be offered a hot dinner (please see sample menu below).
  • The fee for each session is fixed and cumulative – see below.
  • Sessions must be booked in advance via Arbor.
  • Sessions times conclude at 4:15 pm, 5:15 pm, and 6:15 pm and charged for any part of each session.
  • For best value, and to ensure the children enjoy uninterrupted activity, meal times and consistent supervision, children will ideally be collected at the end of sessions. For the last session, earlier collection can be arranged - please email wac@bidborough.kent.sch.uk to notify them of your collection time.
  • We reserve the right to cancel a session if minimum numbers are not reached. In these circumstances, we will endeavour to notify you within 48 hours.


Online Booking:

Wrap Around Care can be booked in advance via the school's booking system on Arbor. We recommend booking sessions by Friday of the previous week to ensure availability.

In exceptional and unexpected circumstances, please email wac@bidborough.kent.sch.uk, and we will try to accommodate need where possible.



Price per session

Breakfast at WAC 7:30-8:30am

£8 a session including breakfast

WAC After school session 1 only


£7 Including fresh fruit snack

WAC After school  
including session 2

£15 including fresh fruit snack and hot meal

WAC After school  
including session 2 & 3

£22 including fresh fruit snack and hot meal


Payments and Refunds:

Payments must be made in advance online using Arbor. Fees are non-refundable for non-attendance, such as illness, holidays, and ad-hoc events. Cancellations will be accepted with one week's notice. Please email the WAC address wac@bidborough.kent.sch.uk to cancel or amend any of your booked sessions. Parents and carers cannot amend or cancel sessions once a payment has been made. If the club has to cancel due to unforeseen circumstances, a credit will be applied to your account. The school will endeavour to give parents and carers as much notice as possible. 

Childcare Vouchers:

Bidborough WAC accept childcare vouchers. Payments will be made via Arbor, but your tax credit must reach our bank account by the 25th of each month be applied.

Arrivals and Departures

Children attending WAC must be accompanied by an adult over the age of 16 when arriving. In the morning, children may arrive anytime between 7:30 am and 8:30 am, but breakfast will only be served until 8:00 am.

At 8:30 am, the children will be released into their classrooms to their class teacher.

After School

Children will be collected from their classrooms and taken to the playground for registration by the After School Club staff. Children attending an extracurricular club run by an external provider will be escorted to the After School Club by the leader at the end of their activity.

If your child has been booked into WAC, parents/carers must inform the school no later than 2:30 pm if their child will no longer be attending that day.

At the beginning of each WAC session, a register will be taken. Children who have not booked into a session in advance will be billed. Children are expected to be collected promptly at the end of their booked session by their parent, guardian, or emergency contact held by the school.

Late Collection from Wrap Around Care

The school will apply the following procedures for late collections:

If your child is not collected by the end of their booked session, you will automatically be charged for the next session.

If you are late picking up after 6:15 pm, a late fee of £10 per 15 minutes will be incurred.

In the instance of non-collection, the school would attempt to call/contact you and the other emergency contacts they have for your children. If they cannot get anyone to come pick up the children then the Designated Safeguarding Lead and Headteacher will be informed and safeguarding procedures will be followed.

Food Provision

Breakfast will be provided by the staff at Breakfast club. This will include fresh fruit, toast and cereals.

After School club meals will be provided by the school catering company Nourish. Every Child attending the second session will be offered a hot dinner.  

Medication and illness

At least one staff member present will be first aid trained and able to provide emergency first aid if needed. Staff will be aware of children with long term medication, with a school care plan. Medication will be accessible to adults supervising the children at all times.

Contacting Wrap Around Care

During school hours, contact can be made via the school office: 01892 529 333
Via email: WAC@bidborough.kent.sch.uk


Childminders can offer flexible child care tailored to a family's particular needs. Childminders are able to care for younger siblings as well as doing school pick ups and drop offs and offer care during the school holidays and in some cases even overnight care.  For details of childminders in your area you can look at the Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years website.