At Bidborough CEP School we can make provision for many kinds of frequently occurring special educational need.  Please see below for information about some of the different types of special educational need that we provide for.

Further information can also be found in our SEN policy which can be found be found here.

The SENCO at Bidborough CEP School is Mrs Laura Fowler. She can be contacted on 01892 529333, or via email at 


Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder or Attention deficit disorder is a common disorder that can impact focus, impulse control and emotional responses.  Children may have difficulties including: getting started on or staying on task, organising themselves, thinking before speaking and keeping things in their working memory. 

In school, we may support children by offering frequent movement or sensory breaks, giving visual aids to support working memory and task boards to support staying on task.

For more information about ADHD and how to support children, see



Autism is a developmental disability which affects how people communicate and interact with the world.  Children with autism may have difficulties with: communication, repetitive or restrictive behaviours, sensory processing and anxiety.

In school, we may support children by offering Sensory Circuits, visual timetables and visual aids, social skills groups and language support.

For more information about autism and how to support children, see or


Sensory processing

Sensory processing is how our brain sorts sensory information so that we can make sense of the world and can manage our everyday life.  Some children experience difficulties with their sensory development so may be over or under sensitive to noise, light, smell, taste or touch.

We can support children with sensory processing difficulties by offering frequent sensory breaks and Sensory Circuits, making changes to the classroom environment and being aware of individual triggers.

For more information about sensory processing and how to support children, see


Speech and language

Some children may experience difficulties with their expressive or receptive language.  In school, we use a program called ‘Speech and Language Link’ which allows us to assess children’s speech and language and identify areas that they may need to work on.  We can then provide specific intervention to support the speech/language development.  Sometimes, children may need to be referred for Speech and Language Therapy (SALT).  Please see the following link for more information:  Here you will also find information about how to support the development of speech sounds.


If you would like access to resources for supporting Speech and Language development at home you can also click here: 



Dyslexia describes specific learning difficulties experienced with reading, writing and spelling.  This is usually the result of difficulties with phonological awareness (hearing and manipulating sounds in language). Pupils with Specific literacy difficulties can also experience challenges with verbal and working memory, processing speed and organisation.

In school, we can support children by offering additional phonics and reading tuition, visual aids, writing templates, extra thinking time to answer questions and precision teaching of key words.

For more information about dyslexia and how to support children, see




Developmental coordination disorder or dyspraxia is a condition affecting physical coordination.  Dyspraxia affects fine and gross motor development so children may have difficulties with self-care, writing, typing, cutting, riding a bike and play.

We can support children with dyspraxia by offering intervention to develop their fine motor skills, such as Clever Fingers, and gross motor skills, such as BEAM or Jump Ahead programs. 

For more information about dyspraxia and how to support children, see



Some children may experience difficulties with Social, Emotional and Mental Health.   These difficulties can be wide ranging and may go hand-in-hand with another area of special educational need.  If you feel that your child needs support with their social, emotional or mental health, please do speak to us.



Mrs Fowler is the SENCO at Bidborough.  If you have anything that you would like to talk to her about, please e-mail

You can find out more information about SEND at Bidborough in our SEND Policy here.

Local Offer

A local offer gives children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities and their families information about what support services will be available in their area. The name 'local offer' was given by the government.  In Kent, the local offer is called the SEND information hub.  To access the SEND information hub, please click the following link:


During the week beginning 1st July we celebrated Neurodiversity week in school. See below for a newsletter explaining what it was all about!


Neurodiversity Week Newlsetter 2024