Dear Parents,

This week, we took part in Neurodiversity Celebration Week. Neurodiversity is based on the idea that everyone has a differently-wired brain and their own unique way of thinking and experiencing the world. The children learned that these differences may mean that some people struggle to do things that others find easy and vice versa. We explored some of the different ways of thinking, learning and interacting have been given labels such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, autism and ADHD.  Through learning more about these, and hearing about some of the famous people with these ways of thinking, the children were reminded of the importance of being kind, tolerant and accepting of everyone, including friends who learn differently.

We came together on Friday to share our learning and all the children were incredible.

Class 3 sang:

It’s good to be me

It’s good to know you

It’s good to be different but together

There’s no need to be

In anyone shoes

I’m happy to be the me I am


Class 6 created their own acrostic poem:

Never judge people because of their differences; instead be proud of them for being strong and unique.

Everyone respecting people’s differences – it makes people unique

Unique way of thinking; neurodiverse people have great business ideas

Respect people’s differences

Original and creative thinking

Different minds spark new and creative ideas

Innovating, imaginative ideas can come from the inventive minds of the neurodiverse

Very successful people can be neurodiverse

Even if you are neurodiverse, never give up – you can achieve extraordinary things

Remember that everyone is different so never be judgemental

Supporting your friends who are neurodiverse is a good way to help

Ideas – Neurodiverse people can have amazing ideas

Thinking can be different and unique for people who are neurodiverse

You are your own individual person, be proud of who you are

Children who think and learn differently have many strengths and talents. They are the dreamers. The pioneers. The change-makers. The future business leaders. They are the trailblazers. The adventurers. The discoverers. The neurodivergent children of today are the Richard Branson, Bill Gates, James Dyson, Agatha Christie, and Steve Jobs of tomorrow.

In other news this week, the children have been out and about representing the school in various opportunities.

You may have seen our Year 6 children on the local roads as they took their level 2 in Bikeability (I’m sure you remember this in your own pasts as cycling proficiency!) The instructors were impressed with their concentration, determination and kindness to each other and the children have learned important life-long skills.

Our younger children in Year 2 also set out to learn new skills from the experts. A few of them headed out to pick up the hockey stick and Mr Carrick was proud of how they worked together and had a positive attitude.

The football teams were also in action in an inter-school tournament. The Year 5 and 6 team, with their new addition, did very well. They topped the table along with one other school but were unfortunately eliminated on goal difference. The Year 3 and 4 team were also tackling the challenges well and have made it through to the finals later in the year. Well done to all of you!

Over the past 2 weeks, our netballers have been catching up on some matches missed earlier in the year due to covid. They have played St Augustine’s, Langton Green and St James’. The team at the beginning of the year were full of enthusiasm and courage but it is fair to say they took some hard losses. They have continued to practice hard and are now reaping the rewards with wins against St Augustine’s and Langton Green. I am so proud of the team for never giving up and showing that enjoying the sport itself is more important than winning. Thanks to Mrs Marks and Mrs Swain who give up their time to coach the children.

Our youngest children, in Reception class, went on their first school trip. The excitement in school before they left was evident as they talked through the day. It was quite a milestone for them as they got on the coach and headed over to Bore Place. They were lucky with glorious weather as they met the calves in the dairy, hunted for worms and listened out for bird song. They loved every minute and were wonderfully behaved.

Our Year 4 and 5 children undertook Mental Health Champion training earlier this term. On Friday, they took some time to review what they had learned and discuss how they could use this to support other children. I am so impressed that they all stepped up to take on the role and can now wear their MHC badges with pride.

A group of 8 year 5 children headed over to Beechwood for a 3 day Enterprise Event. They were fantastic ambassadors for the school as they learned about marketing and design. They were tasked with creating a ride for a theme park and theirs was certainly out of this world! Mrs Sharpe, who accompanied them, said they were imaginative, creative and worked well together, finding compromises to complete a the challenge.

Mrs Bateup has begun her rehearsals with over 40 Key stage 2 children for an upcoming choral festival. The children are learning some challenging songs to sing together with a massed choir, for example wrapping their lips around the lyrics to Adiemus. They will also learn a song to sing as the Bidborough choir and take to the stage to perform to all the parents.

In all these activities, the children are developing the Bidborough Behaviours of courage, curiosity, collaboration and courage – well done all of them. In our vision for our children, Faith in Our Future, we aspire to giving children the chance to flourish in areas in and out of school – it has been wonderful to give our children such experiences as we move away from the covid restrictions that have curtailed our activities in the past.

You should have received your child’s mini report by now (check your child’s bag if not!). We are looking forward to sharing their achievements with you further in open classrooms on Monday from 2:45pm. I realise that some of you have not been into their classrooms and some of the areas of school in so long! I am sure you will enjoy celebrating the progress your children have made. Remember learning reviews take place in person on Tuesday, in the school hall, and remotely on Wednesday via zoom (links will be sent out next week).

Amongst all this, we have been moving forward with our office refurbishment. Thank you for your patience and apologies for any inconvenience. The main infrastructure with electricity and networking has now been complete, thankfully, so hopefully our lines of communication will remain up and running!

Remember, term ends on with our Easter Celebration day on Thursday 31st March and the children return on Tuesday 19th April after the Easter break. Children return in summer uniform. I hope you are enjoying your weekend and I look forward to seeing many of you on Monday.

Kind regards,

Julie Burton