Newsletter: Friday 26th January 2024

Dear Parents,

This week, we have been thinking about being a good friend. In assembly today, we congratulated William, Isla, Izzy, Dory, Samuel, Rex, Ted, Grace, Lucy, James, Lyla, River, Tobias and Joe for their contributions to our school community.

Felix, Charlie and Thomas were nominated for the Courtesy Cup with Jenny taking the cup home this week. Class 6 were awarded the Uniform owl and Year 3 the Tidy Trophy. Year 4 have 100% attendance this week and celebrated with a few minutes of extra Golden Time.

Year 2 made the most of some dry weather and took a walk through Birch Wood. They were inspired to write some beautiful descriptions. Here’s one from Francesca:

Tiny birds are chirping in the trees in a nest. Brown leaves are falling from the trees. Minty air is waving the trees. Squelchy mud is sticking to the trees. Cold stream water is flowing through the forest. There were slimy vines, creepy crows and bendy branches. The murky dirt was swirling in the air. Damp moss was climbing up the trees.

I can close my eyes and just imagine what it looked and felt like! Year 2 then shared their work with Year 6 with pride.

Year 6 visited Bore Place on Thursday. Nina reports:

Yesterday, we went to Bore Place (an organic farm that grows vegetables and has cows) on a school trip. We visited the Market Garden, a giant field full of vegetables, and some female cows that hadn’t got pregnant at the right time. One licked the wall!

Afterwards, we made flapjacks! They had loads of oats, an abundance of sugar and squash puree, fresh from the Market Garden. Later, we arrived at another building, where some ill calves were taking residence. Unfortunately for them, they had ringworm (where a cow has bald patches) and so they were in quarantine, away from the others. We also visited the milking parlour, where the adult females (who had given birth) were milked. When we came back, we ate our flapjacks – they were delicious!

I’m sure Class 5 will enjoy their trip next week. Next week, Year 6 are out again visiting Tudeley Church to see the stained glass windows by Chagall. We also have Children’s University on Wednesday and Class 2 assembly on Friday, so a busy week!

Today, we had a fire drill in school. We regularly check our procedures and the children were all very sensible. All filed out quickly and quietly to our muster point and were all clear of the building in just over 2 minutes! They were pre-warned that we would be having a practice today so, hopefully, no one was too startled.

Have a great weekend – enjoy the sunshine!

Kind regards,

Julie Burton and the Bidborough Team

30th January – Year 6 to Tudeley Church
31st January – Children’s university session

1st February – Class 5 trip to Bore Place
2nd February – Class 2 assembly
2nd February – PTA disco
6th February – Safer Internet Day
9th February – last day of term 3.
10th February – Chinese New Year
13th February – Shrove Tuesday
19th February – Children return for start of term 4