Newsletter 12 - 2018
Dear Parents,
We are hurtling towards the end of term and 2018! The children have coped very well with the excitement of this past week, with the Junior Christmas Celebration, Rock Steady Concert, Carol singing at CAMEO and Open Classrooms.
You will be receiving a brief report regarding your child’s attainment and attitudes to learning. The Bidborough Behaviours were introduced last year and we have seen the children using this language to think about their own learning. At this point of the year, we would expect children to be at ‘Emerging’ within their year group. Some children may be excelling in reading or writing and will already be at the ‘Expected’ standard for the end of the year. In Maths, as the content matter is not yet fully covered, this is not applicable. As the year progresses, we aim for most to children to be at ‘Expected’ and some to be at ‘Greater Depth’. You may find that your child appears to jump from the previous year’s expected to this year’s emerging. This is entirely normal as not all children will achieve that deeper understanding of the curriculum covered but are still working within the new curriculum. If you have any questions regarding your child’s information, please do email us at the office.
Today, I received a letter from Matt Dunkley , Director of Children, Young People and Education at KCC, congratulating the school on our achievement outcomes in 2018. He recognised ‘a sustained effort to remain focused on school improvement’. We are determined to do our best for the children in our care and I am immensely proud of all the school has achieved this year, not only in academic outcomes but in raising children’s confidence and preparing them to be ready for the next step in their journey. Thank you to all the staff for keeping the benefit of the children at the forefront of all they do.
There are so many people to thank, particularly at this time of year. However, I must say a huge thank you to Mrs Lindley. Whilst the rest of the Key Stage 1 staff sit back and heave a sigh of relief after the nativity, Mrs Lindley has to gear up all over again. She organised the Key Stage 2 classes, along with Miss Greenwood and then accompanied all the carols at rehearsals, dress rehearsal and final performances. On top of all that, she has also accompanied the choir both at Penshurst Place and CAMEO Christmas Lunch. What would we do without you, Mrs Lindley? Thank you.
Thank you, too, to all of you that give up your time in one way or another to support the school. As I write, there are parents setting up stalls outside to see Christmas Treat. Some of you come in regularly into school to support the children’s learning. As a small token of gratitude to our regular classroom volunteers, I hope by now that you have received a festive posy. We really are grateful for your support in our classrooms and I, for one, know that the activities we provide when you are in would be almost impossible without you.
Mrs Hard particular sends a thank you on behalf of the school to all the parent helpers that have enabled the opening of the school library after school every day this term. The library attendance has rocketed over recent months and it is great to speak to the children about the books they are reading across the school.
Due to some technical issues, the online system has not been working properly and so some books have not been issued correctly. Therefore, Mrs Hard has spent some time doing a stock take of the library books this week and we still have many outstanding books.
Please could you look in your child's bag, bedroom and bookshelves at home to see if one of our titles is lurking there unnoticed? Every school library book has a barcode on the first page, the school name and word LIBRARY stamped clearly. Please do send any discoveries into school and ask your child to return them directly to Mrs Hard or their class teacher.
On the subject of books, there are still some pre-loved books available after school in return for a small donation.
I look forward to seeing many of you shortly at our Open Classrooms this afternoon. I hope that you will be as proud of all that the children have achieved as I am.
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Kind regards,
Julie Burton