Newsletter 1 - 2019
Dear Parents,
Welcome to the new school year! It has been great to see the children settle into their new classes so well and all looking smart (hopefully this will continue with Individual photos being taken on 30th September).
Already this term the children have made me very proud. Our newest children in Reception class have begun to find their feet. They are loving exploring their learning areas both in and out of the classroom. They have bravely made their way down to the big hall and had their first yummy lunches. Our Year 5 children have made wonderful Buddies, taking their roles very seriously and particularly looking out for them over lunchtimes.
Our Year 6 children are still Buddied up the Year 1 children and they have helped them through the transition to Year 1. The children are enjoying exploring their new outdoor areas too.
Many of our Year 6 children undertook the 11+ assessments last week. They were a credit to the school in their calm and mature outlook to the whole process and it was a pleasure to see how the children have supported one another. As I reminded them, the assessment does not measure how kind they are or how good they are at sports, music, history….
So, term has definitely begun in earnest! Please remember, if you have any queries or concerns, please contact your teacher in the first instance. Use the School Planners to send in a message. Mrs Bateup and I are usually at the main door to the school in the morning too, and we will always pass on any urgent messages too.
Along with my newsletter, please find attached copies of our Picture News. We usually display this in the entrance hall and thought you might like to share it as a discussion point at home. I don’t expect you to return the sheets!
Congratulations to our Dragon Boat team who won 2 bronze medals over a weekend of competitions. If you are interested in joining the team in time for next year’s fun, please do let us know and we will pass your details on to the newly appointed captain.
Many thanks and best wishes for a restful weekend!
Kind regards,
Julie Burton