
How do children learn at Bidborough?

We offer our pupils a creative curriculum, with lots of opportunities for cross-curricular links and real contexts for learning. See our curriculum page for more information on content.

Bidborough has a Christian ethos that develops each child's potential whilst maintaining a balance between high academic standards and developing the whole child. Pupils have fun whilst learning and experience a wide curriculum. We have four core Bidborough Behaviours: Curiosity, Courage, Collaboration and Celebration.

Curiosity - Be curious, have hope, we don't know it yet.

Courage - Have courage, be persistent, forgive your mistakes.

Collaboration - Collaborate - koinonia, spur one another on.

Celebration - Celebrate, there's so much you can do.

Love One Another. Love Learning. Love Life.


Children are taught skills which make them successful life-long learners. By the time they leave at the end of year 6 will we have helped our children:

  • Grow in Confidence,
  • Enjoy Life,
  • Achieve Highly and 
  • Contribute Successfully to their Community.

Currently we have very few children eligible for the Pupil Premium. We use  the allocation to provide one to one tuition in English and Maths and additional specialist support such as counselling.