
Bidborough School has many clubs available to the children.

Some clubs are run internally and others use outside agencies, all details can be obtained from the school office. 


Gymnastics club is run independently and takes place before school. 


All football sessions are delivered independently by MSporti and take place after school.

Kit: football kit including shin pads.


All multi-sports sessions are delivered independently by MSporti and take place after school. They are happy to adapt sports to popular demand. 

Kit: sports/ PE kit.

French - La Jolie Ronde

Fun French classes which run independently and take place after school. They follows the award-winning La Jolie Ronde programme, learning through songs, games, role-play,  rhymes and stories. All pupils have their own French book with access to an audio app. To find out more please  email Rachel Johnson on or visit


Netball Club is open to girls and boys in Year 5 and 6 and takes place after school.

The children learn basic skills and techniques as well as being gradually introduced to the complex rules of the game. Most sessions start with a fun warm-up, before focusing on skills which the children are then encouraged to apply when they play a practice game. Two teams, A and B, are entered in the Tunbridge Wells primary school league which plays all its matches during the Autumn and Spring terms at the Skinners Kent Academy.

Kit: PE Kit or tracksuit


All cricket sessions are delivered independently, after school by qualified ECB coaches. 

The skills involved include batting, bowling plus fielding.
Fitness training is included with SAQ drills (Speed, Agility,Quickness).
Pupils are also given information on the 'Laws of Cricket' plus captaincy and team tactics.

Kit: Cricket whites or PE kit. Extra drink


Ballet is delivered independently and takes place before school.  

Kit: Appropriate clothing, e.g. leotard, ballet shoes.


 Dance is run independently and takes place after school.

Kit: comfortable clothing.

KS2 Choir

Sing together and prepare for some very special performances. Choir takes place after school.