Welcome to Class R
Teachers - Mrs Lindley (Mon, Tue, alternate Wed) , Mrs Dance (alternate Wed, Thurs, Fri)
Class R Teaching Assistants: Mrs Farnell (Mon, Wed, Thurs), Mrs Heaslewood (Tues and Fri)
Weekly update: 13th Sept
What a wonderful week it has been in Class R! We have all loved having the children in to begin their learning journey with us.
They have all settled well, learning routines for different times of the day and enjoying lots of playtime and getting to know each other. All the adults are very proud of all the children! Thank you for all your support too.
Remember to check Tapestry for photo observations of what your child has enjoyed this week.
GLAD for this week:
Grateful for: my friends, my family, our toys, school, the garden.
Learnt: where things live, 'choose it, use it, put it away!'
Achieved: making a really tall tower, making playdough gingerbread men, riding the bikes.
Delighted in: playing with my friends, playing in the mud kitchen, colouring, ponies, dressing up, going to lunch!
We are excited to see all the children next week for full days!
see below for some reminders
Please remember -
- we only need book bags in Class R
- send in wellies to stay at school
- waterproof if you have a set, we do have some!
- drop off and collection using the top gate by the Class R building
Mon 16th - Full time! Please bring- book bag, water bottle, 1 small afternoon snack: a piece of fruit or veg, or rice cakes, or breadsticks etc (no yogurts please due to mess). We are a nut free school. Morning snack will be provided.
The gate opens at 8:30 for drop off. The gate opens at 3pm at the end of the day with children being let out at 3:05pm.
PE will begin in Term 2. We will give reminders at the end of Term 1.
Please make sure everything is labelled!
Shoes too if possible. We have markers in school so please ask, we are happy to add names in a few things.
The correct pronunciation:
It is important not to add sounds such as m=muh s= suh t=tuh
Take the word: ‘mat’. If you sound it out as ’muh’ + aa +tuh’ and then blend them together you get ‘muhaaatuh’ a long way off from ‘mmmaat’ and then ‘mat’.
We do not use actions or Jolly Phonics songs.
Dates of interest
23rd September — School photographs Individual and siblings
14th October — R-6 Flu Vaccinations
22nd & 23rd – Learning Reviews
25th October - Last day of term
Please send
- A named water bottle - morning snack will be given.
- Named rain coat even if weather looks fine.
- Bookbags, rucksacks aren't needed this year.
- 1 small afternoon snack (piece of fruit or veg is ideal) in a named bag or pot.
Everything should be named: uniform, bottles, pots, hats!
Lost items will usually find their way back to us if named.
Home Learning Suggestions
Watch this space!
Reading Menu
Coming soon!