Class 2
Welcome to Class 2!
Teaching Staff
Teacher -Mr Johnson
Teaching Assistants - Mrs Rutherford, Mrs Trigg
Meet the Teacher
Weekly update: Friday 10th January 2025
Happy new year! Year 2 have had a lovely first week of term. Here's what they've been up to:
- In Maths, we have been continuing with our topic on shape by learning how to draw 2D shapes; find lines of symmetry on shapes; use lines of symmetry to complete shapes and we ended the week by sorting shapes based on their properties.
- In English, we began our new term with responding to illustrations from our new class text. Year 2 do not know what their story is (some obviously do) so they are using detective skills to make inferences and find clues about our story based on just illustrations.
- For RE this week, we began learning about Humansim. We completed our cold task and started to think about the question: What do Humanists believe?
- Year 2 also began their new Science topic this week - learning about what all Humans and animals need in order to survive and flourish.
- We also took part in a 'healthy start' week at school. Year 2 did yoga, mindfulness colouring, mindful snack time and designed a menu for a day of eating a balanced, healthy diet.
* HANDWRITING HOMEWORK: This week's handwriting homework focuses on using conjunctions to add more information to a sentence:
Eating fruits and vegetables every day helps us stay strong and healthy.
Cakes and sweets taste nice, but they are not good for our bodies if we eat them too often.
For a healthy snack, you can have an apple or some carrot sticks.
** PE this term will be on a Monday afternoon and a Friday morning.
Have a fab weekend,
Mr Johnson, Mrs Rutherford & Mrs Trigg
Next week's phonics sound is....
Home Learning
- From this term, we will no longer be using Mathletics. We are moving over to use 1MinuteMaths instead. The children will be coming home on Friday with more information and (hopefully) the knowledge of how to use the app - it's very simple.
If your child has read a book already or finds any book ‘easy’ then this is GREAT! Repetitive reading will support children’s comprehension and impact their spelling. Children will be changing their own books and if they pick a book they have read before then they should find it easier to read and be confident when reading.
- Teach a monster to read
- Healthy Recipe Challenge: Create a recipe book with your favorite healthy meals or snacks, including drawings of the dishes.
- Eat the Rainbow: Make a chart and tick off different colors of fruits and vegetables you eat each day.
- Fairy Tale Twist: Rewrite a traditional tale with a unique twist (e.g., "The Three Healthy Bears" where Goldilocks learns about healthy eating).
- Shape Hunt: Go on a shape hunt around the house or garden and make a tally chart of shapes found.
- Kindness Journal: Write or draw acts of kindness you did each day, linking to humanist values of care and compassion.
- What Makes Us Happy?: Create a poster of things that make you and others happy (family, friendship, nature).
- Healthy Eating Art: Paint or draw a colorful plate of healthy foods or a still life with fruit and vegetables.
- Nature Printing: Use leaves, fruits, or vegetables to create prints or patterns with paint.
- Art from Multiplication: Create a patterned artwork using arrays or multiplication facts (e.g., 3 rows of 4 dots in different colors)