Class 2

Welcome to Class 2!

Teaching Staff

Teacher -Mr Johnson 

Teaching Assistants - Mrs Rutherford, Mrs Trigg

Meet the Teacher

Meet the Teacher (Year 2)

Math Calculations in Year 2

100 Books to read in KS1

Weekly update: Friday 3rd October 2024

Year 2 have had a lovely week in class.

  • In Maths, we have still been recapping our knowledge of place value. We have learnt how to compare and order different objects and numbers up to 100. We ended the week by practicing how to count forwards and backwards in 2's, 5's and 10's, looking for patterns as we did so. 
  • In English, we have been learning a bit more about the characters in our story - Vlad and Boxton. Year 2 created a character profile for Vlad, thinking about his actions, motives and appearance in detail, ready to write some descriptive sentences next week. We also learnt more about commas and used them effectively to help us create lists. 
  • In PE, we have been learning a bit more about how we can use communication to be effective and successful in various sports. 
  • In RE, we introduced ourselves to the creation story and what happened during this time. Year 2 enjoyed looking at the story and thinking about what it means to Christians. 
  • In History, we continued our learning on the Great fire of London by learning about Samuel Pepys. We learnt why he is famous now and what it was he wrote about in his diary.  
  • In PSHE, we have thought about our emotions and how they can change in different situations and environments. Year 2 had a very mature attitude towards their emotions and it was lovely to see. 
  • In Science, we carried out an investigation to test the properties of different everyday materials and discussed why these properties make them well-suited to their jobs. Year 2 impressed this week with their use of scientific vocabulary such as transparent, smooth and flexible. 

* Just a reminder that PE this term will be on a Monday afternoon and a Friday morning. 

** HANDWRITING HOMEWORK: A massive thank you again to everyone how managed to complete their handwriting so promptly over the weekend. Here are the three sentences for this weekend. 

  • The dog dug a deep hole in the dirt.
  • The duck dipped into the water and disappeared.
  • Dad drove carefully down the road because it was dark.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Johnson 

Next week's phonics sound is.... /d/ 


Home Learning 

Topic home learning.



  • If your child has read a book already or finds any book ‘easy’ then this is GREAT! Repetitive reading will support children’s comprehension and impact their spelling. Children will be changing their own books and if they pick a book they have read before then they should find it easier to read and be confident when reading.

  • Teach a monster to read 


  • Research a find facts our about the Great Fire of London. 
  • Research Samuel Pepys
  • Look around your home to see where your fire alarms are. Talk to your family about your escape plan in event of a fire.
  • Make a house from 1666 out of cardboard and paint it. 
  • Design a new uniform for a firefighter.