Class 6


Welcome to Class 6! We update this page every week and it contains lots of important information. Please do check it out every week.


Teaching Staff

Teachers - Mrs Watkins

Teaching Partners - Mrs Reid and Mrs Smith.

Please click here for the Meet the teacher presentation with information about our class. 

 Policy for children walking home and permission form

 Learning Lens 04.10.24

Happy Friday!

Our first Friday in October! In Maths, we have started our addition and subtraction unit- see our plan we follow below under the heading 'Maths this term'. We have used column method to work out sums and used place value holder of 0 where needed. We have looked at common factors and multiples as well as the rules of divisibility rules. 

We have continued and have looked at square and cube numbers as well as prime numbers.

A prime number is a whole number greater than 1 that cannot be written as the product of two smaller whole numbers. It has exactly two factors: itself and 1. Examples of prime numbers include 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, and 19

In English, we have written a setting description based on The Secrets of a Sun King.. We have focused our grammar on subordinating conjunctions and using these to extend our main clauses- see your home learning for this week! We have started to plan and write a newspaper report based on an Egyptian chariot race and discussed the toolkit and language used for it-  formal language, sentence starters and reported and direct speech. We have been discussing parenthesis, relative clauses and fronted adverbials.

In Science, we have introduced our new topic Evolution and Adaptation. Thank you to everyone who brought photos in of your adults! We looked at inheritance and what characteristics are inherited and acquired. We have looked at how animals have adapted to their environment and the term 'natural selection'. We did an investigation on which type of beak on birds would ensure they would survive over other types. 


Well done to most of the class who managed to complete the home learning sentence work in their blue books over the weekend and remembered to bring them in on Monday. We almost had 100% this week. Our sentences are below.


PE is on Monday and Fridays- please have your PE in on a Monday and keep it in during the week to take home on Friday in case things change for that week! 

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Watkins

Spelling Words 

This week's sound

/i/ as in kid















Last week's sound

/o/ as in top
















Past sounds

/e/ sound as in bed :  Ea, ai, ie, e, ei, u



friend especially













In spelling we have been working our way through the statutory Year 5 & 6 spelling words. These are very tricky but we like to use Sir Linkalot to help us remember them. You may want to use this at home to help you. The complete list of Year 5 and 6 words can be found here

Maths this term

We are now looking at the unit of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Here is our unit plan for this topic. This document has got what we are doing, similar questions to what we are working on and the mathematical vocabulary we are using. 

Please see our weekly info above which tells you which part of the topic we are on this week.

y6 autumn block 2 sol addition subtraction multiplication and division.pdf


Home learning 

Topic home learning

Some ideas for home learning if you wanted to do some are: 


or anything else amazing and creative you can think of related to our learning!


Your 'Reading Autumn Menu' is now stuck in your new green planners! 

English Writing *NEW*

We have changed our approach to teaching spelling, grammar and handwriting slightly. 

In Friday spelling lessons, children will be given up to three sentences to practice writing in their best handwriting in this book. These sentences will incorporate the spelling patterns learnt that week as well as the grammatical structure.

We would like children to practice writing those sentences again three times at home in their best handwriting. They should then return the book to school on Monday. We hope that by sharing this book with you, parents can become more aware of the spellings and sentence structures each year group is focusing on and can support this further at home. 

Our sentences this week 


sub-ordinating conjunctions

/i/ as in kid

Spelling words: individual, signature, equipped, equipment, privilege, average, language, bargain

 We still played outside because we had the correct equipment.

  1. If you win the game, you get the privilege of winning a prize.
  2. I decided to give up since I could not speak their language.


Useful links

Reading menu


TT Rockstars



Curriculum Information


 Termly Planner Autumn 1

 Termly Planner Autumn 2

 Termly Planner Spring 1

Termly Planner Spring 2