Class 5

Welcome to Class 5!

Teaching Staff

Class teacher - Mrs Leach

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Smith

  Policy for children walking home and permission form

Meet the Teacher - Mrs Leach

Above you will find the PowerPoint from Wednesday's 'Meet The Teacher'. Was lovely to meet you all. 

 Weekly update: Friday 14th February 2025


This week in English we have been working hard on planning, drafting, writing and editing the 500 word stories. Using our story maps of our traditional tale, we worked on the build-up, resolution and ending. At the beginning of the week in English skills we looked at using apostrophe for possession and recapped both the plural and singular form of the noun. Next, we looked at the different types of determiners and how we can vary them in our writing, finding alternatives to  the, his and her.

The sound of this week was /j/ as in prejudice and exaggerate. There will be no homework this week as it is half term.

For Maths this week we started by looking at multiplying a 4-digit number by a 2-digit number before moving on to solving problems with multiplication. When looking at problems, we focused on identifying what the question is asking us to do and why we might need to sometimes read between the lines. The problems we looked at range from money to distance. This allowed us to apply our multiplication knowledge in different contexts. At the end of the week, we looked at short division. We recapped the partitioning model of division before looking at the written and chart methods of division.

In other areas of learning:

  • In PE this week we played dodgeball. We recapped the rules and moves of the game.
  • For RE this week, we looked at what the story of Exodus in the Bible teaches Christians and why it is an inspirational story. We then answered the hot task: Does following God lead to justice and freedom?
  • In Art this week, we learnt all about Leonard da Vinci and his multiple careers – mathematician, artist, sculptor, architect and painter. We looked at the Mona Lisa, The Last Supper and The Vitruvian Man. For each paining we learnt about its creation and deeper meaning. We then had a go at sketching ourselves in a proportioned sketch.
  • During Science this week, the class learnt all about the stages that happen after birth, for both animals and humans. We learnt about how milk is slowly weaned away for food. We also looked closely at the life cycle of a dog.
  • In French this week, the class sketched out their own version of a French map.
  • For PSHE this week, we had Daisy First Aid come in and teach the class First Aid. We all learnt about CPR, allergies, calling 999, head injuries, choking and bandages.

Have a lovely half term :) 

Phonics and SPAG Homework sentences 



 As for home learning if you wanted to do some are: 

  • Make your own 3D history timeline from the Stone Age through to WW2. Perhaps you could use clay to make models or use cardboard.
  • Come up with your own scientific experiment to test a range of materials in your home - make sure you check with an adult first!
  • Create your own newspaper report all about yourself :) 


  • From now on the Maths homework will be based on Purple Mash, not Mathletics. I will still be setting it in the same way on a Friday, due for the following Friday. All the children have/know their log-ins  
  • Do not forget to get rocking and use It is a fantastic way to consolidate and practise all the Times Tables.
  • - for spelling practice .



 Curriculum information