Class 4
Welcome to Class 4!
On our page you will find class and curriculum information. Remember check every week for updates!
Teaching Staff
Class Teacher - Mrs Hard
Student Teacher -Mrs Wraige
Teaching Assistant: Mr Pain
Meet the Teacher
Week beginning 3rd February 2025
This week we have had a very creative week. Following our inspiring visit from poet Joshua Seigal, I have written our weekly review in a poem.
On Monday, the choir performed at the O2.
On Tuesday, our ukuleles played a Spiderman theme tune.
On Wednesday, we sketched a landscape, just like Monet.
On Thursday, we wrote poems about emotions and what they might say.
On Friday, we were very tired so we rested and did some maths.
Thank you to those parents who purchased poetry books from Joshua. If you would like further information about him or missed the book order and would now like to order his books please go to his website here.
A gentle reminder to use the planner for the children to record their home reading. Just the title and the pages read is fine. You can comment on vocabulary discussed if need be. This is a great way to see how well the children are engaging in reading outside of school. The expectation is that the children get into the habit of reading for 15 minutes a day. This is to ensure they develop the habits required to flourish in their education now and in the future.
We will no longer be using Mathletics for our home learning but will be expecting the children to complete TTRockstars regularly and make their heatmap go green! We think that 5 minutes per day is much better than 30 minutes once a w.eek and is more likely to secure the knowledge long term. We will be having a big focus on handwriting and presentation too. If your child has received a new blue stabilo handwriting pen for Christmas then please do ensure they use this for their sentence writing homework on the weekends. It will make a big difference.
As always, get in touch via the office if you have any questions or concerns. Have a great weekend!
Year 4 Team
Our Feelings Poems
A poem about ANGER by Endrit
Anger is when your best friend makes perfect toast and acts like its nothing.
Anger is when your mum is nagging you to wake up on a Saturday at 6am holding a mop bucket and a mop telling you to mop the whole house.
Anger is the horrid petrifying, soul taking smell of burnt bacon
That’s what ANGER is!
Anger by Monty
Anger is Death choking a werewolf to death.
Anger is punching, puffy pillows.
Anger is choking the black, blue balloons.
Anger is when the rain stops me playing.
Anger is when you kick an Ed in the head.
Boredom is …by Ted
Boredom is as blank as a blank piece of paper.
Boredom is as if your head is a ticking clock that never stops.
Boredom is like an ant sleeping in your bed.
Boredom is like your favourite book but with no words or pictures.
Poem about anger by Eddie
Anger is when you burn some toast or any other food.
Anger is when you fight like rugby or any other fighting game.
Anger is when lions and tigers start targeting at you and same with cheaters.
Anger is when you have no friends at all.
Anger is when you have no sweets and chocolate.
Anger is when you have to go to school.
Love is my favourite song when it plays
Love is valentine’s day to celebrate
Love is reading with others
Love is the colour off flamingos
Love is Friday after noon
Love is kind ness and family
Love is baking cakes
Love is bffs together
Love is pink and red
Love is your birthday
Love is when the teachers help me
Love is love
Worries by Francesca
Worry is hearing thunder clap its grey terrifying hands
Worry is big unbeatable butterflies in my body
Worry is a wiggly wormy worm wiggling though the undergrowth
Worry is your guinea pig sleeping soundly with a cat on the loose
Worry is sneaking slyly up on you in the dark
Boredom by Freddy
A super boring poem.
Boredom is watching your Mum doing your sister’s putrid smelling nappy.
Boredom is seeing your old Grandma being as slow as a sloth and acting like it’s a miserable day in the 1950’s.
Boredom is when your dad told you to go to your room and it feels like a horrid ghost town.
Boredom is you smashing your head on a rock wall.
Boredom is you not being able to use your precious PS5 on a Saturday afternoon
Grace’s LOVE poem
Love is the sweet smell of new books coming out of a library.
Love is bright pink flamingos balancing on one leg.
Love is clouds and rainbows floating in the air.
Love is singing birds when you open the window.
Love is chocolate stawberrys melting in your mouth.
Love is the colour of pink and purple.
Love is Love.
Happiness by Harrison
Happiness is hard to beat. When the shine in your feet.
Happiness is like tweating birds, in your sleep.
Happiness makes your body shine bright like the stars aiming for you
Happiness is joyful to feel when it’s a sunny day, the happiness comes to you
Happiness always is great.
Phonics and SPAG sentences
This week we have been learning about the sound /g/ as in league
Our words this week are: hexagon pentagon league colleague guard guide aggressive polygon diagonal greatest regular group category ghost trigger investigation tiger guest guessed dialogue monologue gravest grammar fatigue
Our sentences this week focus on using dialogue correctly. This week we have written:
- Use It is a fantastic way to learn all the Times Tables.
Reading at home with an adult for 15 minutes per day is an essential way to ensure your child is developing their vocabulary skills for the future. Please record this in the school planner. Its a great way to record all the amazing books you read throughout the year. The children will all be given a Spring Term Reading Menu- this gives guidance and suggestions to read widely. If the children complete it by Easter they can also claim a free book from me!
Other Home Learning ideas
Other home learning ideas:
Look closely at your teeth when you brush them twice a day. How many adult teeth have you got now? What are the different shapes of your teeth and why? Why is it so important to visit the dentist regularly? What variety of foods do you eat in a week? Keep a food diary to track how nutritious your meals are. How do you like to keep active- football, climbing, swimming, gymnastics? Can you make a poster to show all the different ways you exercise in a week? Mary Cassatt painted moments between parents and their children. Can you draw or paint a copy of a favourite family photograph of you and your loved ones?
Curriculum Information