Class 1
Welcome to Class 1!
Teaching Staff
Teacher - Miss Birkett
Teaching Assistants - Mrs Spring, Mrs Van Niekerk, Mrs Trigg, Mrs Sharpe and Mr Pain
Meet the Teacher
Learning Lens - W/C 6th January
We've had a brilliant start to term 3!
This week we started to move away from our rainbow challenges and began whole class learning. This has meant that all of the children have been completing their work at the same time! I have been so impressed with the positive attitudes that everyone has had and the independence that has been shown by all.
We finished our learning on shape this week, sorting 2D shapes and finding or making patterns with 2D and 3D shapes.
We began exploring our new book for this term `Rabbit and Bear`. Looking at the front cover with the title hidden, we wrote predictions based on what the book might be about. We also used 'role on the wall' to explore each character. Using a gingerbread template, we wrote down what we know about the characters on the outside and what we learnt about them (after reading the beginning of the story) on the inside.
As a whole school we have been focusing on having a healthy start this week. In our science learning we explored the 'Eat-well plate' and discussed the importance of having a balanced diet. We then put images of food on the correct part of the 'Eat-well plate.'
Our focus question this term is `What is the good news Jesus brings?` We had a go answering this question, thinking about what we know about Christianity based on our learning so far.
Focusing on art this term, we began our topic by exploring our key question: What makes a good artist? The responses to this question were brilliant! Examples given were passion and trying and using a range of materials. Each week, we will begin our art lessons with a fine motor skills task and it was lovely seeing everyone working so hard to get themselves into an art mode of thinking! We then began exploring our key artists Kandinsky and Matisse. We looked at some of their paintings and we wrote about what we could see, what we liked and noted down a question that we had when looking at the art work.
Continuing our theme of a healthy start, we discussed the importance of sleep. Looking at Harold the giraffe's bedtime routine, we stuck images in our books showing our own bedtime routines.
Other information:
Our PE days for this term are on a Tuesday and a Wednesday.
Please can spare socks be packed in bags on PE days if wearing tights to school.
Please can winter PE kits be packed in bags to keep the children warm!
Can I also please ask that reading books are sent to school each day along with planners. This means the books can be changed and adults can listen to your child read!
Library books are changed on a Thursday.
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Birkett and the Year 1 team
Phonics and SPAH sentences
This week our focus sound is: /oo/
It has been so great to see everyone engaged in their learning and really trying to read, spell and write words with the /oo/ sound.
Home Learning
SPAH Books:
We have re-visited using a noun phrase in our writing this week.
Our sentence is:
The small rabbit was bouncing.
Please encourage your child to write this in their home learning book three times.
If your child does not have the additional sentence written into their book but they would like to have a go at writing this three times too, then please encourage them to do so.