Dear Parents,
What a wet end to the week! There has been considerable excitement this week with the filming of our little Virtual tour. The children and staff were all fantastic and I look forward to being able to share the final film. The cameraman, Justin Ingham, is going to have a difficult job editing it down as there was so much to capture around the school to be proud of! A huge thank you to Sally Elliott who did such a great job in helping with the production of the film, with lots of preparation before the day and then helping those in front of the camera be at ease and deliver their messages confidently. Particular thanks to the pupil leadership team and our fabulous musicians for their parts too!
Today, we had a visit from Kate from the Life Bus Team. She visited classes in Years 3 to 6 covering topics from individuality, making good choices and friends. I know the children enjoyed her sessions, even without being able to visit the Life Bus itself. Thanks to Miss Latter for organising this for the children.
Coming up next week is our final review regarding the Sandwell Charter Mark. As you may recall, this process has been looking at how we support well-being at this school. I look forward to sharing the results with you in due course. We have asked a sample of parents and children for some feedback, so thank you to those of you who have completed the online survey.
The PTA AGM is being held on Tuesday 6th October at 8pm, if you would like to join us please contact and we can share the zoom call details.
Next week is also Mrs Willock’s last week before her maternity leave begins! It seems to have come round so quickly. I know that Mrs Willock has already been in touch with many of the families of children with additional needs in the school and has met with Mrs Fowler to arrange a comprehensive hand over. As you may remember, Mrs Fowler was previously our SENCO, so I anticipate a very smooth transition.
Later this term, some of our Year 6 children will be taking part in the secondary selection tests (11+). Due to this amidst our COVID restrictions, we will not be providing school lunches on that day, Thursday 15th October. All children will need to bring a packed lunch to school (no nuts, citrus or fizzy drinks).
Have a great weekend.
Kind regards,
Julie Burton