23rd October 2020
Dear Parents,
We have finally reached the end of the first term which feels a bit like a marathon! Well done everybody.
I hope you all have lovely plans over the half term – including some active miles in aid of the PTA fundraising. Do head over to the PTA page on our website to find out more about their plans this year.
Today we say goodbye to Miss Davis as we prepare to welcome Mrs Leach after half term. Don’t panic, we’re not letting her slip out of our fingers but wishing her well as she gets married during the break! We can’t wait to see the photos of her special day and wish her and her husband-to-be all the best for the future.
After half term, Mrs Fowler will be re-joining the team. She and Mrs Hard will be acting Deputies whilst Mrs Willock is on maternity leave (no news on baby Willock yet…). Mrs Fowler will resume responsibility for SEN and is already familiar with all our current cases. Mrs Mundy, who already teaches the class on a Monday afternoon, will teach Year 2 all day on Mondays to allow Mrs Hard time for her leadership responsibilities.
I’m so glad that our Zoom Learning Reviews seemed to go so well. Thank you to the parents who have sent in positive feedback about receiving valuable information about your child’s learning and how they have settled back into school life.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your support this term and everyone in our staff team for their continued hard work and positivity. As one of our members of staff shared this week, “The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team”. The children, parents and staff at this school pull together to create an incredible team!
Have a great week and make sure the children get plenty of rest, too – it’s a long term ahead in the run up to Christmas!
Kind regards,
Julie Burton