Dear Parents,

COVID Update

As yet, we still have no confirmed cases in our school community but it is a very real prospect. As such, can I remind you:

If you or your child exhibits any one of the following symptoms, please do stay at home and arrange to have a test. The rest of your household should then self-isolate until you have a negative result.

  • High temperature
  • New, continuous cough
  • Loss of taste or smell

As soon as you receive your result, please let the school know immediately. Behind the scenes, we will be considering who may have been in contact with your child and, if they test positive, there are steps that need to be taken promptly. During school hours, you can call the school 01892 529333. Outside of school hours, please email

If your child begins to feel unwell at school, we will ask you to come and collect them as soon as possible. If your child is otherwise unwell, needing calpol or other medication at home, then we also ask that you keep them at home for the time being.

If your child is unwell, we will not expect them to complete any work at home. If your child is self-isolating, as a sibling or waiting for results, we will set work via ClassDojo. Remember, your child also has access to various online learning platforms such as PurpleMash, Mathletics, Teach your monster to read and Times Tables Rockstars (depending on their age) that they can explore and it is always great to get some extra reading in.

Also, please note it is now mandatory to wear a mask whilst on school grounds unless you have a medical exemption. You are protecting each other in the community but also our school staff. You may be interested to know that, for the purposes of track and trace, being within a metre of someone who tests positive for 1 minute counts as close contact, or 15 minutes within 2 metres. Some of you may well be spending 15 minutes waiting to collect your child if you arrive early, so please bear this in mind and continue to maintain social distancing.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.


Anti-bullying week – an update from Mrs Voisey

This week across the whole school we have been focussing in on ‘anti bullying week’ as this is part of an annual nationwide initiative by the Anti- bullying Alliance. Resources have been chosen and shared by class teachers to help us all consider how we’re all a piece in the puzzle, and together, we’re united against bullying!


I asked classes to share a reflection on the week using our GLAD focus, so here’s a snapshot of the pupil’s voice…



That it’s ok to be different, for all the pupils in the school, that there is no bullying in our class, for what our school gives us, having excellent friends that care about us, for making sock puppets, for having a kindness marble chest, for talking about how we are all different and awesome, some people might stop bullying as a result of anti-bullying week, if people stop bullying the world will be a happier place, bullies might have learnt this week that bullying is wrong whether you do it in person or on-line, for wearing odd socks!



I am happy to help even if we’re different, teachers can guide us, if you’re different don’t worry, it’s kind to let others play with you, to unite instead of divide, groups of bullyies take certain roles such as ‘reinforcer’,  to be a ‘defender’, you should tell a trusted adult or stand up to a bully if you see someone bullied, bullies do it because it makes them feel powerful, bullies might feel sad themselves and need love.  The different ways we can all support each other.



Making mini-me’s, creating and performing a class rap, knowing all about how to be united, made a huge jigsaw puzzle together, designing posters and odd socks for our friends, understanding how we can all work together to stop bullying.



To wear odd socks, to be together and for each other in times of need, dancing to the odd socks song, singing our song, wearing my badge and wristband, sharing my toys and teddies, that together we can do anything.


In place of our whole school assembly we have uploaded snapshots for you to share on our school dojo site. Have a look and celebrate our united Bidborough school family! Thank you, for your continuing support of our learning journey.


Mrs Voisey

For more information from the anti-bullying alliance, please visit   


Poppy Appeal

The local branch of the Royal British Legion were thrilled to give us a certicate for collecting £138.57 this year. Considering the difficult circumstances, this was a great donation and every penny counts!



Orders are still open for the cookbook via ParentMail – I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy and try out the recipes (or encourage my family to). You should also have received your raffle tickets by now too so check your children’s bags! Please see the attached flyer for more information.


Have a great weekend – keep warm!

Kind regards,


Julie Burton
