Bidborough School Tour

A very warm welcome to Bidborough Church of England Primary School. We are a one-form entry primary school in the beautiful setting of Bidborough Village.

Faith in Our Future

Matthew 17:20 – Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there.’ And it will move. Nothing would be impossible.

Our life together at Bidborough Church of England Primary School is rooted in Christ’s words describing how a little faith can make all things possible. With the values of love, hope, forgiveness, courage and koinonia, modelled by Jesus, underpinning all that we do, we seek to prepare all to step out into the world reflecting God’s love for one another. With ‘Faith in Our Future’ we encourage all to:

Grow confidentlyGrow confidently, as a responsible, life-long learner


Enjoy lifeEnjoy life, feeling prepared for every stage of life's journey


 Achieve highly, not only in academic areas but in their own personal goals

ContributeContribute successfully, as a member of the wider community.


To find out more about what our children say about school, visit our pupil voice page.